1. Be f*cking nice. To everyone. Period.
2. If it's busy, do your work and move on. Don't hoard the equipment for-ev-er.
3. Don't make a mess of the place, I will call your mother. Put your equipment & weights AWAY!
4. If you're going to be rough, use horse mats/tires/crash padding to be respectful.
5. Don't coach other people that don’t want your help. Blinders on, unless asked.
6. If someone asks to turn the music down, take it down a notch or use headphones.
7. Got a problem, question, comment, or something broke? Call or text me: 582-0752.
8. Pay your dues. Talk with MJ about memberships if needed. Drop in rate is $10/day/person. Don't take advantage of the gym.
9. Training area out back - bring in any equipment or barbells that were used outside. If opened garage door, close when done!
*(Back door will lock you out if it closes all the way).
10. Train hard. #putinthework #bethebest Have a great workout!
**Kids -
No climbing or playing on the equipment. If your child gets hurt anywhere on property/in building, we are in no way responsible. Clean up after them (trash, food, homework, toys). If they cannot be inside respectfully set them up outside with chalk or another activity.
**Animals -
If they are inside clean up all dog hair or other messes. Do not let them get in the way of other people's training - animals must be on leash/restrained & respectful while in the gym.
If they cannot be respectfully inside, hook them up outside or set up in your vehicle. You assume all responsibility of your pet and their actions while on property or in building. We are in no way liable if your choose to bring your animal.
Bluetooth Connect: "Total PA Ultra"
Gym often least busy during the hours of: 10AM - 4PM & 8PM - 5AM