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Why I love 100% Commitment.

Writer's picture: MJ StockMJ Stock

I am an "all in" type of person. When I have made a decision; truly thought out a well rounded image of who, what, when, where, why, and how... I am the type that believes 100% is MUCH easier than 98% commitment. Here is why. (Please check out the videos below the blog posts on the main project page)!

I love this talk partially because it talks about the future. The future that you create.

That is the best part- the realization that you may be limiting yourself in your beliefs. "I am not an athlete", "I will never loose this cellulite because of my age", "I won't know what to do when this program is over", "I don't know how to eat properly", "I don't know how to exercise", "I will not look that way".

YOU BUILD YOUR FUTURE BY WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO DO AND BE! You have the tools. If you don't know how to manage them- you have to FIND the tangible things that WORK FOR YOU! That ACTUALLY work for you! Think outside of the box people.

That might be asking advice but then actually doing exactly what someone recommends.

It might be 'buying a suite several sizes too small' and feeling the financial loss to evoke a response in you.

It might be sharing your journey on social media- not for anyone else but for your own accountability.

It might be journaling to yourself about it every single day to keep it fresh on your mind of what you need to accomplish.

It might be signing up for the next program to stay committed to pursuits even when there is time off between now and then.

It might be saying "I" statements each day "I am extremely strong, I am mentally prepared to be healthy, I am going to do SOMETHING to day that is in line with what I am striving for, I am different from the rest, I do want to uplift my personal journey for the sake of myself, I am worthy of putting effort into my goals."

It might be showing up to the gym every day doing a few small things at a time and increasing it as time goes by to create a habit for your lifestyle.

YOU CAN'T DO IT THROUGH WILL POWER. Shift your story, shift your identity.

Sometimes I believe that will power is a luxury... the choice to say yes or no to something... and then afterwards being happy and satisfied with your choices and your decisions. The acceptance of what you choose.


I think that sometimes will power gets overrun and becomes unhealthy. Creates a series of unhealthy thoughts, habits, choices, etc... all because we have "lost" our will power. Spiraling down hill... sometimes slowly, sometimes plummeting with no return.

I believe it is better to say "this is what I do today" "this is who I am now" "this is how I will be in the future" "this is my decision and I am sticking to it unless I choose to consciously re-evaluate my goals at a time when I am not putting pressure on my 'will power'. At a time when I am in a clear state of mind. Sit alone, be with your thoughts, make a plan for yourself.

Do not test yourself constantly with having to choose and make choices when you are not fully prepared to do so in each moment. Do not carelessly live assuming that you will make the right choices on a whim just because of 'will power'. Time after time giving yourself the choice, hoping for the best... then time after time being dissatisfied by the outcome...

Choose when to take a break from your goals, choose when to be strict them. But be 100% committed to your decisions. Don't stress your 'will power' when you don't have to. This will bring you peace and consistency.

A long time ago I said "I have no other option that to brush my teeth each night"... 100% commitment to a choice.

Will you have serious consequences the next day if you skip for one night? No. Will anyone know? Not likely. But making that 100% choice helps me keep a ROUTINE. Not just for the sake of healthy pearly whites... but because I know if I get my ass up to brush my teeth I will take my supplements, drink my water, wash my face, make sure I am taking care of myself....

This is just one of my examples of the most basic self care concepts right?

But take that example and apply it to your nutrition, training, mental health, and devotion to YOUR personal goals. Do it for YOU. Because will anyone know? Not likely. But you are worthy of doing it for YOU.


Not sure which trainer is right for you? Call MJ to discuss which trainer might fit you best! 

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