Warmup - Lateral Band Raises/Band High Pull 4x25/25 (Light band).
Barbell Over Head Press: Find a heavy 10-12 THEN: 4 sets at 12,8,6,6 reps Progressive load, each round should get heavier.
Dumbbell Standing OHP (with hips tucked) S/S: Strict/Push Press (Moderate to light) 3x10/10.
Bent Over Single Arm Low Cable Rear Delt Flies: *( 4x10-25/side depending on how loaded.
S/S: Single Arm DB Laterals / DB Push Press: 3 on each side x10/10 Immediately into a single arm DB Push Press.
Cable or Banded Standing Face Pulls: 3 x15-25 *Cable or band should be directly in front of your face.
Warmup- Heavy banded bicep curl x100.
Alt. DB Bicep Curl (w/ elbows kicked back behind the body *DBs will curl by your side, with wrists curled at the bottom): 5x10 (find a heavy working weight).
Spider Curl (Chest on bench): 5x10 (moderate working weight).
Barbell Curl: 4xME (Pick weight of barbell as desired).
EZ bar reverse Curl: 3x15 (Pick weight of EZ bar load as desired).
Warmup- Reverse Grip Cable Tricep Pull Down x50/side.
Single Arm Tricep Kickback: 2x Drop set- heavier for 10, 15, 25 lighter on both sides.
Supine Bench EZ Bar Skull Crusher: 4xME Load as comfortable to keep STRICT good form.
Incline DB Skull Crushers: 4x15 (Double at the same time).
Narrow Tricep Bench Press: x100 (Choose BB weight as able).