Barbell Flat Bench Chest Press: Warm up and progressive load to find 8RM. Then-
Barbell Incline Bench Chest Press: Find 10RM. Then-
1.5 Rep Incline Bench Chest Press (1.5 = Down, half up, down, all the way up): 5x5 1.5rep.
DB Floor Chest Hex Press: 5xME. (Heavier weight- should not be able to exceed 8 reps).
Single side Elevated Push Up: 3x10/each side. (push up with large 45# bumper plate under one hand at a time. Knees or strict - must have good form w/ pelvis tucked under and core tight. Chest goes all the way to the floor for big stretch in the chest).
Banded Chest Flies: (With resistance bands or "Cross Symmetry" resistance bands w/ handles). Find challenging resistance and set bands at mid-level: x100. *Do not press w/ shoulders, keep chest OPEN toward wall, keep shoulder and traps back and down.
Narrow Push Up: (Like really narrow, hands touching): Burn Out. 2xMax Effort. Absolute burn out. Keep Elbows tight to body.
*For all chest movements please arch back, open the chest to the ceiling and do not let elbows float up to the head- keep at a 45 degree angle with your body.
*All movements can be found online/YouTube or asked posted to the group page.
ABS: 2 Minutes each movement. Repeat 2-3x. LOW BACK GLUED TO FLOOR. Do not let back arch.
(Limit range of motion if needed).
1. Crunches (Chest pull UP toward ceiling, not forward- do not pull on neck).
2. Scissors - Alternating
3. Double legs lowers (only lower as low as back stays on the floor!)
4. Planks (Pelvic tilt tuck, engage core tight).
5. Mountain climbers (SLOW w/ tucked and engaged pelvis).
1-3 Rounds of the following. (Please stretch calves often the following days). On floor, non-elevated -
3-way Calf Raises: (toes forward, toes out, toes in): 2x30 raises each direction.
Top Hold Calf Raise: 1x3min. 3-ways (forward, out, in) 3 minutes each way held at the top raised position. *You can add small pulse while holding as desired or able.